A Short Day Ending With Ella Mae


Today’s indoor rowing was set back in time a bit due to birthday present shopping with Diane for one of the children. We decided to go shopping at about the time I would have started rowing, so by the time we returned home there wasn’t much time left for rowing.

The musical accompaniment to today’s rowing was more 1950’s music and the last song in the string of music was by a singer I don’t recall ever hearing of before, Ella Mae Morse.  <— The link at the end of the previous sentence is to a Wikipedia article about Ella Mae.  She seems to have been a very accomplished and talented singer.  The most negative factor which prevented her from becoming more well known was one of her most positive attributes:  She was extremely versatile.  As the Wikipedia article says, “However, she never received the popularity of a major star because her versatility prevented her from being placed into any one category of music.

So I guess she was a “star” in all categories and wasn’t given the credit she deserved in any of them.  That’s how the world works…. The world basically sucks, and you can read the Bible for plenty of verification of that statement, though the Bible does not use the vocabulary that I just now resorted to.

What does the Bible say about the world?  Do your own research, kiddo.  But here’s a sample: “For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” And here is another one: “… the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

But back to Ella Mae Morse:  The song I heard which was sung by her was “Rock Me All Night Long” and the Wikipedia article mentions that she had six children. So after reading that I thought: it’s very possible that she spent “all night long” rocking some of those children.  Ella Mae deserves a ton of credit for being a mother to six children. Anyone who has children knows that there are times when sleep must be sacrificed, sometimes “all night long,’ for the sake of caring for babies.

Finish screen for today’s short rowing
Session report

Happy rowing, however long.