A Recovery Day 10K

Continuing the past few days’ theme relating to rockets, the above photo is showed parts of someone’s recovered rocket.

Today’s workout was done as a recovery session after yesterday’s harder work on the SkiErg. It was a steady though sloppy pace for all but the last few hundred meters. Picked up the pace a bit near the end. There were a few brief bits of atrial fibrillation but none of them lasted long. In almost every instance of Afib, the heart rate display went to zero when the fluttery bits happened.

After finishing, I noticed that I hadn’t yet ranked a rowing 10K this season, so this one was entered into the online rankings.

Finish screen for today’s recovery day 10K.
RowPro report for today’s recovery day 10K.
RowPro graphs for today’s recovery day 10K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s recovery day 10K.

Happy rowing to you!