Today’s workouts consisted of, in chronological order: Two 2K distances at moderate pace, each with 3 moderate “power 10s” every 500 meters. Heart rate acted up by being too high and/or irregular during portions of each 2K. I will only show screenshots for one of the two 2Ks. Next, was a 139 calorie session on the SkiErg. But I felt low-energy/tired and cut that short after 59 calories. Heart rate was a bit too high for the effort, during the shortened SkiErg session. Finally, there was a 5 minute warm down. Heart rate was mostly regular but too high during the warm down – it should have been in the 90s or less but it was over 100. There is no screenshot of the warm down.
The “heart strangeness” was also accompanied by irregular heartbeat. Some evidence of the “strangeness” of the heart behavior can be seen in the graph for the report, below. Also, it can be seen in the report, if you look in the right hand column which displays “End HR”. On the graph, you can see that though I slowed down and greatly reduced my effort from the 15th split to the 20th split at the end, heart rate didn’t slow down like it normally does. Instead, it was sort of fluttery and too high. On the report it shows that it was measured as high as 194, which is higher than I’ve ever seen it when it is acting normally.
When my heart acts normally, it has only climbed as high as 191 with regular heart rate, in all the time I’ve been observing it. When my heart gets irregular, I’ve seen it as high as somewhere a few beats above 200. Today it was irregular and didn’t quite reach 200 BPM.
The strange heart behavior today is also visible on the chart for the SkiErg workout today. I cut that workout short because I felt a bit tired. But looking closely at the shortened SkiErg workout chart (it is the bottom-most screenshot in today’s posted screenshots) you can see that after the 2nd work interval, continued increasing as though I was continuing to work. Heart rate got as high as about 130 during that second work interval but it kept increasing after that second work interval ended, and it peaked at about 161, about the middle of the rest interval, before it started slowing down again like it normally does. That was strange. After the third work interval in that same SkiErg workout which was cut short, heart rate acted strange again and remained high for a lot longer than it should have, while I was gently resting. That was when I decided to cut the session short – I hadn’t really noticed the strange heart behavior, but I felt low-energy tired, as today’s blog post title, A Low Energy Day, says.

Happy rowing to you!