A Little Bit Of Enthusiasm

This picture is an example of a little bit of enthusiasm.

Today’s session on the schedule was to be a “hard distance” of 5K or more. I chose 5K and no more but actually did a little more if you count the warm up.

But the warm up was not hard.

Actually, no part of the rowing today was hard, because what might have been hard ran out of accompanying enthusiasm after about 1,000 meters.  I started out with a target pace of 1:55.1 and it felt easy but that is always the case at the beginning, no matter WHAT the pace.  Row as hard as you possibly can – and it ALWAYS feels easy at the start.  It only feels hard later.  But to keep rowing at any pace which would later begin to feel hard, you need a sufficient measure of enthusiasm.

The laddie in the photo above has more enthusiasm about his ice cream (or whatever it was which is showing remnants on his face) than I had about rowing hard today.

I just felt, somehow, “out of synch” with my body.

But … soon after I slowed down from the first few meters of the might’ve-been-hard 5K, Diane came into the room and reminded me that we were going to go out to eat.

I asked her, “When do you want to go?”

She replied, “Whenever you are finished.”

So I picked up the pace a little bit.

And then a bit more.

And then a little bit more… so as to not keep the lady in waiting too long. But for the last few hundred meters, I slowed way, way down, so that could serve as a little bit of a warm-down.  Don’t want to be all sweaty, when you go out to eat…

Rowing reports and finish screen views below, beginning with the warm-up first:

warm up finish screen
warm up report
warm up charts
5K finish screen
5K report
5K charts

Happy trails to you.