For today’s erging an online 30 minute session was scheduled. The way I did it was to warm up with a slow pace for the first 5 minutes of the session and then did 4 sprints of 500 meters each, separated by 3 minutes of active rest between each 500 meters. After the 4th interval of 500 meters, the remainder of time was a slow pace for warm down.
The pace of each subsequent sprint was a little faster than the previous interval and the last interval was the fastest. By taking that approach to the 4×500 I am hoping to get my body to anticipate and do better in the next 2K trial which will be done with “negative splits” … the first split will be the slowest and then each following split will, hopefully, be a little faster.
During the active rests and the final minutes of warm down, I rowed at a very slow pace to allow heart rate to slow and then picked up the pace to try to keep heart rate from dropping below 108 bpm.

Happy trails to you.