Another Notch Faster On 1K

Finish screen for today’s 1,000 meter rowing session.

Today’s longest session was the approximately 15 minutes it took to burn 180 Calories at a pace of 2:22 per 500 meters on the SkiErg. Today’s most fun session was the shortest one, which was 1,000 meters at a “notch” faster pace than the previous day’s 1,000 meter ranked session.

The 1K rowing session was uploaded to YouTube for those of you who’d like to use it for rowing along with. To add a non-sequitur here: with every word I type and every sentence that is inserted here, I’m wondering if it will pass the test of being scanned by the local household grammarian and spelling expert. She adds an element of stress, but it’s probably a healthy variety of stress.

Back to that 1K rowing session on YouTube: the link to directly access it is Indoor Rowing 1K @ 2min 7sec pace 07182019

Reportfor today’s 1,000 meter rowing session.
RowPro graphsfor today’s 1,000 meter rowing session.
Concept 2 online logbook chartfor today’s 1,000 meter rowing session.
Chart and data for today’s 180 Calorie SkiErg session.

Happy rowing to you!