Heart Strangeness Leads To A Long Break

Chart and data for today’s 96 Watt SkiErg workout. Heart rate (red graph line circled in green) was much too high for the low effort level.

There was a long break between today’s two main workouts. The first of the two workouts was 168 Calories on the SkiErg, at a constant pace averaging 2:34/500 meters, which was a mere 96 Watts average power. But though it was low power, heart rate immediately catapulted too high for the effort by quite a bit. So I took a break afterwards, waiting for the heart strangeness to subside before doing today’s rowing. A few hours passed and it persisted, so I took an aspirin (325 grams), drank a lot of water with it, then ran a couple of errands to nearby stores.

Within a short time of perhaps about 30 minutes after taking aspirin, HR returned to normal. I finished the errands and then did the rowing. The break time between the two workouts was about five hours.

The 10K rowing workout was sixth in a series of seven, each with the goal of constant pace averaging 2:16/500 meters, which pace is an effort of about 139 Watts. Though the 139 Watt rowing work was about 45% harder and lasted about three times longer than the 96 Watt session on the SkiErg, heart rate was a whole lot lower and normal through the rowing session, compared to how it had acted during the easier SkiErg session.

The rowing session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording at: Indoor Rowing ASMR 10K at 216 pace 6th of seven 06302019

Finish screenfor today’s 10K rowing session.
Report for today’s 10K rowing session.
RowPro graphs for today’s 10K rowing session.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 10K rowing session.

Happy rowing to you!