A Low Power Hour

The low pace during today’s hour session was in line with the recommendation of EliteHRV’s analysis.

Today’s main workout was 60 minutes rowing online. In addition to a low HRV score this morning (see above screenshot), heart rate was too high and irregular so I rowed at a low effort level and average pace of about 2:30/500 meters.

The graph of today’s 60 minute rowing session shows the “heart strangeness” symptom that caused me restrict the rowing effort to the slow side. When heart rate was regular enough to be displayed, it was way too high, at about 150 BPM, for the low pace which averaged about 2:30/500 meters.

The above screenshot shows how heart rate was too high for the low effort. Heart rate returned to normal after the 60 minute session was over. Heart rate remained normal during the 10 minute warm down session and during a 120 calorie SkiErg session that followed today’s rowing.

Happy rowing to you!