As warm-up before today’s rowing, I cut down three small trees. They were the most likely culprits for an invasion of roots into sewer pipe behind our house. The stopped- up drainpipe from house to sewer was somewhat of an emergency yesterday evening, which warranted a weekend and nighttime visit by a plumber who specialized in that problem.

The area where the roots invaded was right under three small Palo Verde trees, so they were all three cut down today.

Palo Verde trees are pretty when they bloom, but they are not nice to be physically close to. They are covered with stiff, needle-sharp thorns. The three scratches on my arm are three of a few scratches received while cutting and carrying away branches. A few cactus thorns managed to get stuck in my legs also. Ordinary results, it seems, when working near and among native desert foliage and plants.
Palo Verde trees don’t make good firewood either. If burned in a fire, the wood burns quickly and the smoke stinks.
As for today’s rowing: It was more fun than it had been the previous few days. The reason it was not boring and was fun today is: I didn’t watch any movies or videos to distract from the experience of rowing. The rowing was mindful, focused and sufficiently ethereal to be fun and mentally absorbing. Even though I rowed alone…. online, but alone. Sigh.

Happy rowing to you.