Strolling Through A 10K

Screenshot of a 1958 vintage video clip showing teenagers dancing The Stroll.

Today was another try at doing a season best 10K.  The target pace was going to be 2:08 but that felt a bit too easy so the pace was increased a bit.

The musical accompaniment was more hit songs from the 1950s, including a song called The Stroll . There was a dance by the same name and there’s a Wikipedia article about the dance called The Stroll.

Today’s 10K was done at a bit more than a stroll-equivalent effort and at less than a race pace.  I’m not sure if I it should be called “medium” or “medium hard” workout so I’ll toss a coin and let heads be medium and tails be medium hard.



Today’s performance of the 10K shall be called a Medium Workout.

AD-Aug-8th-2017-SB-10K-finish AD-Aug-8th-2017-SB-10K-rpt AD-Aug-8th-2017-SB-10K-rpgph AD-Aug-8th-2017-10K-C2-gph

Happy rowing and strolling to you.