Eight More Calories While Rowing Today


The people in the above picture all seem to be trying hard and perhaps even straining a bit.  I was, in contrast to them, relaxed and giving most of my attention today to three more lectures in the same series of lectures on cognitive neuroscience.  Tomorrow will be the last lecture, then I’ll have to switch to some other lecture series or film.

Today’s rowing was the same as yesterday’s except that there was no break today and the very last split was done at a slightly faster pace than the very last split yesterday.  The grand total calorie burn added up to 8 calories more today than yesterday.

I’m not counting calories, but a lot of people are interested in that aspect of any form of exercise.  The main difference I noted was … virtually nothing.  I felt good yesterday and felt good today.

AF-July-11th-2017-15K-finish AF-July-11th-2017-15K-rpt AF-July-11th-2017-15K-gphs

Happy and good feeling results from rowing to you.

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