Incinerating the Calories


The above photo and words written on the wall in front of the three rowing machines must have been in the context of some short but high-intensity rowing sessions.  Maximum intensity rowing can burn calories at a rate in excess of 2,000 calories per hour … but nobody can do that for an hour on a rowing machine. In fact, I don’t think anybody can maintain an effort like that for more than a few seconds on a rowing machine.

However — rowing fast is, indeed fun!  It really gets you going.

It is very reasonable and doable, for an ordinary man or woman to be able to burn 1,000 calories per hour – plus or minus a few hundred calories per hour – for an hour or longer on a rowing machine. In other words, almost anybody should be able to burn between 600 and 1,400 calories in one hour of rowing.

The average rate of calorie burn for my moderate rowing today was around 703 calories per hour, for a total of 844 calories in 1 hour 12 minutes.

Today’s rowing was another 15,000 meters done at an easy to moderate pace which all-in-all amounted to a medium workout which wasn’t too mentally absorbing to prevent also paying attention to three more lectures on cognitive neuroscience.  The material in the lectures was somewhat amazing.

The rowing was invigorating and a nice amount of calories was burned, which made for a healthy appetite at dinner time.

AE-July-10th-2017-15K-finish AE-July-10th-2017-15K-rpt AE-July-10th-2017-15K-gph

Happy, healthy rowing to you.

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