Love The Erg Imagine Rowing


imagine-rowing-2Today was a little bit of make-up for not rowing yesterday, but mostly it was a day’s quota of rowing.  I stepped up the effort level as the distance progressed, so as to give the heart a little more workout.  But it still wasn’t much of a workout, though it wasn’t as lazy as the day before yesterday.


There are many benefits to rowing, of body mind and mood.  As you become more and more aware of the benefits, you will love it more and more.


The faces tell many stories in the above indoor rowing photos which were found on a blog titled Fit and Fabulous After Forty, in an article called The Week that Was.

Below is the story of my rowing today.

ACc-July-7th-2017-15K-finish ACc-July-7th-2017-15K-rpt ACc-July-7th-2017-15K-gphs

May you have much happiness in your own rowing stories.

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