Keep On Rowing


Today’s session was technically the same as yesterday’s except today’s wasn’t boring.  Same 12K distance and two more lectures on video in the same cognitive neuroscience lecture series.  But the difference was that today I managed to do the entire 12K without stopping for any breaks.  Stopping rowing and taking breaks, it seems, contributes to boring.

The above photo was found among the search results when I searched for images using the terms “don’t stop rowing”.  The search engine didn’t come up with any rowing images at all and seemed to “think” that I meant “growing” instead of “rowing.”  It’s just as well, because I like the picture and the quotation.  The image and its accompanying quotation were found on a website called HarlemCondoLife which is, I assume, most likely in New York.  My second guess would be that it’s in the Netherlands, but I think the city by the same name in Netherlands has two consecutive a’s in its name instead of just one.

AAa-July-3rd-2017-12K-finish AAa-July-3rd-2017-12K-rpt AAa-July-3rd-2017-12K-gph

Happy non-boring rowing to you.

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