Boring But Educational Rowing


Today’s rowing session was 12K done while focusing on something else.  The something else was a series of lectures on cognitive neuroscience for the layman. So that’s where the mental focus was.  The rowing was boring but since I wasn’t paying attention to the rowing while watching the lectures, that was okay.

The photo at the top of this page could be of boring rowing or of fun rowing… the photo doesn’t reveal whether its one or the other.  The website where that photo was found is a a blog page on a site called Pumpd Nutrition and you can see the whole page (and more, if you wish) at THIS LINK. The particular article where that photo was found is called “Ready, Set, Row!” … so I’m guessing that because of the exclamation mark, which is normally associated with non-boring activities, the photo was of some non-boring rowing.

AA-July-2nd-2017-12K-finish AA-July-2nd-2017-12K-rpt AA-July-2nd-2017-12K-gph

Happy rowing of whatever type is appropriate for what you’re doing, to you.

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