Rowing Up The Stairs


Today’s main piece was a 30 minute online session with three other rowers.  Two of the others were in Europe and one was in the US (Connecticut).

Each person rowed to the beat of his own drummer.  My plan for the 30 minutes was to keep the average pace at 2:15 for the first five minutes and then at the beginning of each subsequent five minutes, to increase the pace enough so that the average pace of the session would increase by -1 seconds.

So the first five minutes was done with the Concept 2 monitor displaying an average pace of 2:15.0/500 meters.  The second five minutes was completed with the average pace sped up a tiny bit, to 2:14/500 meters and so on until the session ended with the final average pace displayed to be 2:10.0/500 meters.

It felt good. I seem to be coughing up a tiny bit of phlegm lately for some reason and the rowing helps to clear it out.  To help a bit more, today I started taking doses of an expectorant syrup whose active ingredient is guaifenesin and which has only a small amount of the toxin known as high fructose corn syrup.  (Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, has identified high fructose corn syrup as a toxin).

AO-June-27th-2017-30-min-online-finish AO-June-27th-2017-30-min-online-rpt AO-June-27th-2017-30-min-online-gph

Happy and easy-breathing rowing to you.

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