Today’s exercise time was divided into four pieces as follows: (1) 4,528 total meters rowed while warming up for and resting in between doing sets of pushups. (2) 8,000 meters mostly easy while watching a few videos of crews racing the 2K. I rowed faster for about 1,000 meters of that time, when syncing with the rating of one of the crews. (3) 2,000 meters at a vigorous but not all-out pace, when racing against a video of a crew of lightweight 8+ who were themselves racing a 2K. They finished about 100 meters ahead of me, after which I slowed down for the final 100 meters. (4) a warm down of 520 meters very easy.
The one piece that was 2K in length is the one referenced in the title of this post and it will also be the only one shown in the screenshots, because it was the most interesting one. That 2K burned 131 calories and it would have been a few more, if I hadn’t slowed down when the crew I was racing finished about 100 meters ahead of me. All totaled, today’s rowing burned 814 calories and went a rowing distance of 15,048 meters.
Today’s strength training results were somewhat ambiguous but I’m happy with them.
Happy burning of calories to you.