Rowing Training Semi Limbo

When I searched for a suitable image using the terms “rowing training semi limbo” this was the first image offered up by the search engine.

Today’s rowing training session was not, because the last session of the 12 week training schedule was supposed to be the day before yesterday.  The last session was not done, however because the day before yesterday was spent applying roof coating and getting thoroughly dehydrated in the process.  Yesterday there was no rowing, because most of yesterday was spent with walking at the county fair.

So for rowing today, I simply did a moderate 6K, plus 4K of warmup/down.  Before the 6K, there was a strength-training/pushups session.  Both are documented below.

ALl-April-25nd-6K---finish ALl-April-25nd-6K---rpt ALl-April-25nd-6K-gphs

Though the line for today’s pushups is labeled M for Monday, it was actually done today which is Tuesday. The pushups for W will be Thursday and F will be Saturday. Next week should be back on schedule.

Happy rowing to you.