Almost Full Body


One of my cellphone apps gives healthy advice on a daily basis.  The above screenshot was taken of some advice it gave in favor of rowing. The illustration below is more specific, to show some of the muscles used when you row.


So, if you haven’t started rowing yet, what are you waiting for?

Today’s training session was 4 x 500m within 10K, with 1250 meters total warmup & warm down. There was also a strength training session, the results of which will be shown on the bottom line after the rowing session screenshots.

Finish screenshot for today’s 10K portion
Descriptive details for today’s session
Today’s session report
The graphs.

Strength Training: Today’s pushup results are on the bottom line of the screenshot below. The results of the last set of pushups today, 2, was far from the 8+ called for so no progress was made there.

The total number done today was the same as the previous session, so no progress in that respect either.  But … the maximum number done consecutively in one set did actually increase by 1, so all-in-all I’m going to count today as PROGRESS in strength training.


Happy rowing to you.

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