Pondering Greatness While Rowing Restfully

When we think of greatness and creatures associated therewith, the lion frequently comes to mind. The particular lion that comes to my mind is the Lion of Judah. I hope the promise to relocate the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem is a promise that is promptly kept.

Though I haven’t yet returned to the Pete Plan or any particular training plan, one of the features of the Pete Plan that I’m continuing to observe now that my back is 99.98% pain free is the concept of alternating recovery days with hard days.  The current “hard days” aren’t very hard – they are simply long distance with the inclusion of variable paces and a little time spent doing moderate sprinting.  Enough to get the engine of the heart a bit revved up but not for too long.

Albert Einstein reminds us that the path to greatness is not a bowl of cherries without pits or a rose garden without thorns.

So today was a recovery day.  15K easy pace.  Watched part of the inauguration ceremonies while rowing.  Wonderful prayers by the 7 or more pastors and rabbis who spoke and prayed. Felt hopeful.

The price is responsibility …. great, huge responsibility. Anyone who wants to be truly great must truly rely and call upon God constantly.

Since the new president’s motto is to make America great again and I agree that would be a good thing, I pondered for a bit on what is greatness.  The included images are some food for thought.

AMm-Jan-20th-15000m-finish AMm-Jan-20th-15000m-finish-rpt AMm-Jan-20th-15000m-chrt

Happy trails to you.