A Half Crazy Distance


It seems like quite a few days since having done any rowing.  The back pain is still not totally gone, but it has subsided enough that I was able to row gently today.  The chosen distance was a longer one, so as to help make up for some of the recent days lost.

Many people consider a marathon a “crazy” distance to do and I’m inclined to agree with them.  So today’s distance was only half-crazy, being half the distance of a marathon.

It was done very slowly and there were two necessary breaks before it was finished.  One of the breaks was a necessary one for myself and the other one was to help Diane find something that seemed to be lost.  The first break was a few minutes and the latter was a very short break.

Finish screen for the tortoise paced HM
The long break was in the 6th split and was about 10 minutes. The short break was in the 8th split and was only about one minute.


Happy trails to you.