Pete Plan Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 3 Waterfall


Today’s training event was a waterfall.  It consisted of 3 intervals: 3K, 2.5K and 2K.  There was supposed to be five minutes active rest after the 3K and the 2.5K.  The RowPro for Windows software would not allow combining distance intervals with timed rest, so I set the rest distances to a number of meters that could be rowed in 5 minutes at a pace of about 3:00.  While rowing easy during each active rest, I watched the projected finish time and adjusted the pace so that the distance would be finished in a total of 5 minutes or less.

The target pace was 2:01.7 for the first two intervals.  The final 2K was supposed to be as fast as I could go but I adjusted that a tiny bit slower to a pace target of about 1:55 which I was certain I could maintain for the last 2K.

The resulting average pace for all three intervals of the waterfall was 1:59.8.  That will be the target pace for the first two intervals, when I do this training session three weeks from today in the next cycle.

There were no target zones for rating or heart rate.  A 1,000 meter warmup preceded the waterfall.

warm up finish screen
warm up report
waterfall finish screen
waterfall session report

Happy trails to you.