Yesterday’s 10K Led To Today


Today’s rowing session was 30 minutes online.  There was one other rower, Jesper T., in Denmark, who joined it and Jesper was energetically inspirational as usual.

The plan for today’s 30 minutes was simply to maintain a constant pace at any speed that felt comfortable and which was faster than the pace of 2:01.6, my season best 30 min pace up until today.

The reason I wanted a 30 minute piece faster than 2:01.6 was because yesterday’s 10K was done comfortably at 2:01.7 which is virtually the same pace as 2:01.6 and I thought those two paces were too close to each other.

So I rowed the 30 minute session at a pace of 2:00-2:01 until the last couple minutes and then sprinted a bit to pull the average pace to below 2:00. It was a comfortable enough pace, that I might try another 30 minute session someday soon this season and see how comfortable it would be to shave another second or more off the average pace.

After that, there was a 4K warm down, to return things to equilibrium.

30 minute finish screen
30 minute report
30 minute charts
warmdown finish screen
warmdown report
warmdown charts

Happy trails to you.