A Paris 10K


Clément in Paris scheduled a 10K online today at 16:00 GMT.  He named it “Paris 10K,” and gave it the description “ALL welcome to the Paris 10K row – Slow fat burning pace for me around 2:30.”

16:00 GMT was the time I wanted to row, so I joined.  Altogether there were 5 who joined: one in Denmark, one in France (Clément of Paris), two in England and myself in a parallel universe on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Two of them said that they would only row for about 20 minutes to serve as a warm up for sprints that were scheduled to begin at 16:30 GMT. And that’s what those two did.

Of the remaining three, Sam B. of England didn’t announce in advance what he was going to do.  Sam zipped along to finish 10K in the very impressive time of 35:32 which was an average pace of 1:46.6/500m.

Clément stuck to his fat-burning pace plan and rowed between 2:25-2:30/500m for all but the last few hundred meters and was about 100 meters behind me until the last few hundred meters when the fun began.

I rowed at a low rating of between 15 and 19 for the entire 10K except for the first 400 meters which were slightly higher at 21 spm.

When a few hundred meters remained, Clément increased his pace and started catching up to me.  I maintained my pace, watching the distance shrink from about 100 meters to zero when his boat and avatar arrived alongside mine and then I watched to see if he would slow down to match my pace or pass and turn it into a race.

He made a race, so I sprinted the last few meters and we finished very near each other.  It was a fun finish to an otherwise leisurely Paris 10K.


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Happy trails to you.