Yes, today is another bleeping day of quarantine because of the China virus. There have been quite a few more online rowing sessions lately than before the communist government of China gave the rest of the world the “gift” of COVID-19. The RowPro servers have been very busy with the extra numbers of people who are observing quarantine and staying home as part of “social distancing.”
Ordinarily, I’d be inclined to use the medical reference “COVID-19” for the current plague spreading around the world nd that is the term I did use for a while. But because there are China communist propagandists trying to accuse either the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or the US Army for the bat virus they themselves let loose on the world, I will use the name which refers to where on earth it originated: China. China is the country where it originated.
Just like the 1918 H1N1 influenza virus is also referred to as the Spanish flu, COVID-19 is the China flu because it came from China. A variant of the 1918 H1N1 happened in 2009 and it is called the swine flu because it definitely originated in swine but it hasn’t been ascertained if it first appeared in Asian pigs or pigs in Mexico. S0 the 2009 flu doesn’t get a place name and is simply referred to in connection with swine, the first creatures known to be carriers of it. The China flu first appeared in bats in China but it hasn’t been referred to as bat flu because everyone knows the geographic location where it first appeared: the communist country of China.
A notable number of the recently scheduled online rowing sessions have something in their name that makes reference to the batty necessity to quarantine because communists in China did the first thing they usually do after something bad happens in their country: they try to cover it up to keep it a secret. They punished and threatened the first people who mentioned it to the world.
Today’s main workout was an online 6K race named “Quarantine 6K” and that was one of the nicer session names referring to the necessity to quarantine.
It was a good race with a wide range of paces. I was among the slowest but nonetheless managed to row with enough effort to work up a modicum of healthy sweat. The fastest rowers were pacing at world-class speeds that were inspiring to watch.

Yesterday I did some workouts but didn’t blog about them. There was atrial fibrillation yesterday and those graphs look sloppy and weird.
All data and live, granular clickable graphs can be seen via this link to the online logbook. To see any session’s data and its interactive graph, click the corresponding “+” sign in the “Action” column for the relevant session.
Today’s 6K race was recorded for any who would like to row along with or race against it. It is uploaded to YouTube at this link: Indoor Rowing 6K race 03212020.

Happy rowing to you!