41 Minutes Online Intervals


Today’s main rowing was online.  There were two other guys who had setup/agreed to the session in advance and so I rowed according to their plan.  The plan was 7x4r1:45.  In other words, 7 intervals of 4 minutes each, with 1 minute 45 seconds rest after each interval.  The 4 minute intervals were supposed to be done at 2K pace + 11 seconds and with a rating of 20 spm.

It was fun and I was happy to have company.

AJ-June-18th-2017-7x4r145-online-finish AJ-June-18th-2017-7x4r145-online-rpt AJ-June-18th-2017-7x4r145-online-gph

Happy father’s day to any and all fathers who read this.

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