Another dose of daily rowing. This session was mostly alternating minutes, after the first 10 minutes. Online in a group of five.
RowPro graphs at endC2 log graphs
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 9th, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Indoor rowing daily is vital unless you have another daily activity to elevate your heart rate for 20 to 30 minutes or more, daily. Today I wanted to row 5K. There was one already scheduled online for 12 minutes in the future. I joined that one but the rowpro/ server would not work. After several tries I dropped out of that session and made my own online session as a QR and did it alone.
Finish screen view
The method I used for the purpose of keeping heart rate elevated during the approximately 30 minutes was to row relatively fast for about 1 minute at the begining of the 5K and every 1,000 meters after that. It seemed to do the job well. In between the 1 minute intervals I rowed slowly, sometimes with only one hand while sipping coffee or water.
Before the 5K session, there was a 1,500 meter warmup that is not shown here. It is normally the case that I row at least a little bit to warmup or test, in addition to the main rowing session for the day. Graphs and data for those are usually not shown or even mentioned but they are viewable in the link to my online logbook, further below.
C2 logbook graph for today’s 5K.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 8th, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Daily workouts are vital to your health. Very important. Essential and crucial.
RowPro’s screen after today’s just do something session.
Caught myself procrastinating – putting off rowing this morning so that’s why this 5K was called Just Do Something when setup as a QR ( QR = unscheduled) on Oarbits. The something turned out to be an easy 5K with each K beginning with an interval lasting about one minute.
More detailed graphs.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 7th, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
The plan for this 5,000 meters was: maintain a fairly constant effort which would average 2 minutes 15 seconds per 500 meters. When the average pace became either faster or slower than the target, I would slow down or speed up to get it back to target. When there were about 30 seconds projected time remaining, I picked up the pace to around 2 minutes per 500 meters until the finish line.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 6th, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Today’s 30 minute piece alternated every other minute from slow to a little faster. Online but alone. Tried joining another scheduled session but after checking in, screen was blank showing nobody, not even me, even though other rowers were there. It was yet another server problem in a long string of recent similar ones.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 5th, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Today’s rowing was scheduled online about 20 minutes in advance. Nobody else joined so I rowed alone. To help make up for lack of company, I focused on pace and aimed for a new season best in 6K. The target rating was 28 SPM.
I also focused on HR. It behaved fairly well and didn’t force me to slow down.
C2 logbook graph for today’s session.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 4th, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Moments after start of today’s 30 minute online session.
In contrast to the recent string of server problems for the RowPro online server, it worked well today. Today’s session was 30 minutes online in a group of nine and everything worked fine!
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 3rd, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
This 30 minute piece was done as a gentle race against a Pace Boat. The PB setting was 2 minutes 23 seconds per 500m.
It was done offline. For information of RowPro users: the reason it was done offline is because there was yet another in a recent string of problems with the RowPro / Oarbits online server. Today the problem was: when I tried to access the online rowing area with RowPro, the indicator remained orange in the bottom left of the RowPro screen. That orange indicator means the software is trying to login to Oarbits… but hasn’t been able to do so. I was able to use the Oarbits scheduling interface in RowPro to schedule an online rowing session…. but not to access it and “check in” when it was time to row.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 2nd, 2021 online rowing session.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Thirty minutes. Alternating easy/harder for a minute at a time. Online but alone. Easy but not boring.
Concept 2 online logbook.
If you’d like to either view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available at this link: June 1st, 2021 online rowing session.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To see a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.