Today is day 5 of keeping my hands off the salt shaker or any other means of adding more salt to anything I eat. No matter how bland the flavor, I abstain from adding any more salt.
It has been another day without any fluttery, heart-throbby feelings or abnormally high heart rate. Could it be, that bland is grand where the heart is concerned? I continue to be amazed but am still keeping my skepticism at hand.
Today’s workouts started with a SkiErg session of 200 Calories and finished with a 10,000 meter rowing session. After the 10K another 1,000 meters was done as a warm down.
The heart graphs for rowing have some downward spikes and gaps to zero during the rowing but there was no accompanying fluttery feeling. Heart rate remained normal.
The heart strap signal transmitter and receiver are older technology on the rowing machine than on the SkiErg and I think the older technology is a bit more sensitive to tiny though very short deviations from perfect rhythm. One of the downward spikes happened as soon as I burped. (Burping usually causes heart rate to immediately slow by a few beats per minute, if I’m rowing at an easy pace.)

Happy rowing to you!