Finish screen for today’s 10K.

The title of today’s post is the note that I wrote to myself on the notepad which is on a nightstand next to my side of the bed.  It was intended to remind me, first thing in the morning, to put off anything and everything else and just row, first thing early in the morning.

It worked.

Today’s “any distance” turned out to be 10K.  I set up RowPro so that it would display an easy pace zone with boundaries of 2:25 and 2:15 /500 meters and aimed for about 2:20. (All versions of RowPro allow you to designate and display optional target target zones for pace, heart rate and/or rating).

Heart rate was irregular for about the first 1,000 meters and then smoothed out.

The session  was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording and is available at the following link: “Indoor Rowing 10K constant pace 04302018

Report for today’s 10K.
RowPro graph for today’s 10K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 10K.

Happy rowing to you.

The Session Got A Little Tacky

Finish screen for today’s 3K.

Today was a late morning start so the distance rowed was only 3K.  It was done at randomly varying paces.

I perhaps got a little carried away with some of the faster, sprinting bits… because I hadn’t warmed up and, perhaps due to that, the finicky heart rate started to climb near the end when it should have been slowing down if it was acting normally.  But it wasn’t being normal, it was being tachy , as in tachycardia.

During the last 1,000 meters I did a tiny little bit of sprinting and heart rate climbed up to 145 BPM when there was about 500 meters remaining.  At the 500 meters-to-go point, I slowed and rowed easy for a warm-down to the finish.  Heart rate went from 145 to 139, 138, 137, 135, 134… acting normal for a warm down after a little sprint and it slowed all the way to around 121 while I was rowing easy during the last 500 meters.

But then, even though I continued to row easily, heart rate climbed to 129, 131, 146, 147 … all the way up to 150 as I continued to row very easy near the end and when I reached the finish line it was beating at 148.

It remained high for a little while after rowing stopped, even though I hadn’t worked up a sweat and wasn’t breathing hard at all – totally normal breathing, as if I’d been being a couch potato instead of rowing, but heart rate was in the tachycardia zone for a bit.

After a few minutes it dropped below 100, which is the technical boundary for tachycardia.

The tacky heart behavior was rather annoying.  But perhaps I caused it? By annoying the heart?  By rowing later in the morning instead of first thing, before 7 a.m.?  It might be my imagination, but the heart and everything it’s connected to seems to prefer an earlier rowing session.

In addition to the tachycardia-ish behavior near the end, the heart rate went noticeably irregular a couple times during the session.  I felt it each time, and the heart rate display briefly went blank at those times.  You can see them on the graphs below, where the graph of heart rate spikes down to zero around the middle and near the end.

The session was uploaded to YouTube at Indoor Rowing 3K with a tacky finish 04282018.

Report for today’s 3K.
RowPro graphs for today’s 3K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 3K.

Happy rowing to you.

A Half Marathon For Fun

Finish screen view for today’s half marathon.

Today’s rowing was done with a target pace of 2:20/500 meters average for the entire distance. I started out slow and took a couple of brief breaks during the first half, so the second half was a bit faster paced than the first half, in order to achieve the target average pace.

The session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording at this link: “Indoor Rowing half marathon 131 Watts average 04272018




Happy rowing to you.

Another Half Marathon But The Starter Took A Hike

The guy who scheduled today’s half marathon may have been doing a lot of them recently (?) because he named it “Another_HM”. Everybody except the starter started rowing at the beginning.  The starter himself didn’t row a single stroke and three of the others rowed only part way before they either had technical problems or decided they’d had enough… so only three rowers  finished.

Today’s session is categorized as both fun and also boring.  It was fun, because it’s always fun to row in the company of others and it is fulfilling to finish what was started.  What was started for today’s session was an online half marathon.

But it was also boring, because the others were a lot faster than me, so there wasn’t any element of competition, which is always a happy possibility when rowing online with others.

I was also bothered by a little bit of irregular heartbeat but it didn’t persist.

The guy who scheduled it was there at the start.  But about a minute before the start he announced that he’d had a change of plans and would be going for a hike instead of rowing the half marathon.  So … since he was there and he was the designated starter, he clicked the start sequence but he didn’t do any rowing.  I guess the weather where he was and also the company he had where he was, was just a lot more appealing to him than rowing an indoor half marathon today.

This is a screenshot of the starting line a fraction of a second after the session started. I thought it was interesting that Canadian rower whose initials are EG managed to pull his very first stroke at a pace of 2:03 and he moved two meters before anyone else got off the starting line. He’s got quick reflexes.  He also has a lot of power and he showed it for the entire distance.

The session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording at the following link: Indoor Rowing Half Marathon via Internet 04222018.

Finish screen for today’s half marathon. By the time I reached the finish line, everyone else had already left and gone on to their warm downs, showers, etc.
RowPro graphs for today’s half marathon.
Report for today’s half marathon
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s half marathon. My heart acted up a bit during the first 20 minutes but then it smoothed out and behaved for the remainder of the time.

Happy rowing to you.


Are You Tuff Enough?

Finish screen for today’s online 10K.

Today’s main indoor rowing was 10K done online with two other guys.  One of them was in England and he was the one who scheduled the session.  He named the session “Hillbilly_10K”.  I asked him about the hillbilly part and he said that’s his nickname because he makes home brew.

I know that making home brew of various sorts is a hobby for some people and that you can even buy kits, to get started.  But that’s another topic.

Oarbits summary for today’s online 10K.

The description he gave for today’s online 10K included the question, “are you tuff enough?” which seemed to add to the enjoyment of the whole thing by defining the completion of the 10K as an accomplishment worthy of some kind of recognition.

We all started out at about 2:04.  After a bit, “Hillbilly” slowed a bit and gradually dropped further and further behind. Joe Vanischak and I kept that pace of 2:04 point something until about halfway then I slowed down.

I continued to row at a slower pace until “Hillbilly” caught up, then I picked up my pace to stay even with him.  When the distance counted down to less than 200 meters, Joe started a sprint, then Hillbilly started sprinting.  When the remaining distance was less than 100 meters, I did a little sprinting also and we all finished very close to each other.  It was fun.

The session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording at: Indoor Rowing 10K friendly online race 04202018.

Report for today’s online 10K.
RowPro graphs for today’s online 10K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s online 10K.

Happy rowing to you.

A Little Bit

Finish screen view for today’s 3K.

It all adds up.

Today’s indoor rowing was 3K plus a little warmup/down.

The session is available as a screen recording on YouTube at  Indoor Rowing 3K plus warmup and warmdown 04192018.

Tomorrow’s session might be a 10K.  That was the intention today, at least, when I joined the list of rowers for an online 10K tomorrow morning.

Report for today’s 3K
RowPro graphs for today’s 3K
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 3K

Happy rowing to you.

Little Time, Little Rowing

Finish screen for today’s 2K.

There wasn’t much time to spare for rowing this morning, so little rowing was done.  But the amount of rowing done this morning was about 19% more than was done yesterday, so that was an improvement.

The session was uploaded to YouTube as a screen recording at: “Indoor Rowing 2K 04172018

Report for today’s 2K.
RowPro graphs for today’s 2K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 2K.

Happy rowing to you.

Overcoming Unexplained Reluctance

Finish screen for today’s 1K.

For four days, I did no rowing.  I don’t know why, except that there was some deep-seated subconscious reluctance.  My better half remarked, yesterday, that she was worried about me, because I hadn’t done any rowing for four days.

When I do row every day, she leans toward considering it obsessive.  But when I don’t, she starts to worry… because she knows I feel better and am much more inclined to be in a better mood, if I do some daily rowing.

Today, the reluctance was still present and unidentified/undiagnosed.  So I compromised with it and suggested that I row just 1,000 meters.  The subconscious regions immediately agreed, with no argument.

So that’s what I did.  It was uploaded to YouTube:  “Indoor Rowing 1000 meters with RowPro 04162018

AF-Apr-16th-2018-1K-rpt AF-Apr-16th-2018-1K-rp-gph AF-Apr-16th-2018-1K-C2-chart

Happy rowing to you.

Two 5Ks And A Warmdown

Finish screen for the first of today’s two 5Ks.

Today’s session was three.  First there was a very easy, very low-rating 5K, followed by an easy but more normally paced 5K at a normal stroke rating and finally there was a warm down. (Screen shots of the warm down session are not being posted here but it is part of the YouTube video/screen recording.)

RowPro 5 for the Mac acted up a bit during the first 5K because for some glitchy reason it showed some of the stroke rate readouts to be exceedingly high, at the impossible rate of in the 60s or 70s when they were all actually exceedingly low, mostly between 10 and 20 spm for that particular 5K.

The entire session was uploaded to YouTube and is available at this link: “Indoor Rowing 5K and 5K and WarmDown 04112018

Report for the first of today’s two 5Ks.
RowPro graphs of the first of today’s two 5Ks
Concept 2 online logbook chart the first of today’s two 5Ks
Finish screen for the second of today’s two 5Ks
Report for the second of today’s two 5Ks
RowPro graphs for the second of today’s two 5Ks
Concept 2 online logbook chart for the second of today’s two 5Ks. RowPro had no glitches in measuring stroke rate for this 5K.

Happy rowing to you.


A Quick 5K When No Time For 10K

Finish screen for today’s 5K.

As the title says, there was not enough time for a 10K this morning, after early morning chores were finished.

The 5K was uploaded to YouTube and is available at this link: “Indoor Rowing 5K 04102018

Report for today’s 5K.
RowPro graphs for today’s 5K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 5K.

Happy rowing to you.