14K Today And Heart Seemingly Back To Normal

Finish screen for today’s 14K

Today’s indoor rowing was 14K with intervals, interruptions, daydreaming and RowPro software glitches.

The interval setup was 14×200 meters with active rest of 800 meters after each interval.  Before the 14K session began, there was 750 meters of warm up.  After the 14K session started, there were several interruptions where I had to either row one-handed or stop, so I could respond to text messages.  Two or three times during the session, RowPro partially froze with the area that displayed effort as either Watts, Calories per hour, pace etc remaining unchanged for a while.  The rest of the software seemed to continue to function.  Once, when it was time to row the 9th interval, I was daydreaming and totally didn’t notice it until it was too late.

Other than that, everything went okay.  Especially the heart – it remained 99% regular and was in the right BPM range for all the variations in effort.

Report for today’s 14K.
RowPro graphs for today’s 14K.
Concept 2 online logbook chart for today’s 14K.

Happy rowing to you.