This is a good place for indoor rowing, since there not enough water to float a boat.
Today’s indoor rowing was 10,000 meters scheduled and rowed online. A guy who is located in Norway joined the session, so I considered that I’d been rowing with a Viking, assuming he is a native Norwegian with Viking DNA.
I guess he was feeling either a bit tired or under the weather though, because he said he didn’t “feel like a Viking”.
Finish screen for today’s online 10K. The heart rate graph looks weird because it has a low battery and didn’t have a signal for most of the time.Report for today’s online 10K. Heart rate shows zero when there was no signal from the heart strap.RowPro 5 for the Mac graphs for today’s online 10K. The heart rate graphs look weird because the chest strap had a low battery and didn’t have a signal for most of the time.