Trying to improve 100 meter sprint. The session and screen recording does not include a warmup because I was already warmed up with about 1 hour of rowing before the 100 meter piece. Drag factor was set at 116. Improved time by 1/10th second. Whoopee.
If you’d like to view or row along with the screen recording of today’s session it is available here: July 31st, 2021 screen recorded rowing session.
On a related topic is my heart’s behavior yesterday and today. It is related because you’ve gotta have a heart to row you know.
Yesterday from sometime around the middle of the day for the rest of the day and all evening, my heart got stuck in high gear and was beating at around 150 no matter what I was doing. For example, see the graph of heart rate during a liesurely walk yesterday afternoon, just below this paragraph.

Heart rate remained around 150 the rest of yesterday afternoon and all evening. Sometime yesterday afternoon, it finally occurred to me that I hadn’t yet talked about it with God, so I prayed about it. I’m trying to be more aware of God’s presence all the time and had a lapse yesterday until the heart behavior had persisted long enough that my slow mind turned to prayer.
High heart rate continued after I went to bed but according to the wrist-worn monitor during last night’s sleep, heart rate returned to normal somewhere around midnight or 12:30 this morning. See the graph below this paragraph for that.

Heart rate and behavior was normal during all of today’s session times on SkiErg and rowing machine.
Though not all workout sessions for the day are always or even usually mentioned in the blog, data for any workout sessions for any day can be seen in detail via this: link to the online logbook. To view a session’s data and interactive graph click the “+” sign in “Action” column for that session.
Happy rowing to you!