Pete Plan Cycle 2 Week 1 Day 1


Today’s episode of Pete Plan was the first day of cycle 2, my second time through the 3 week plan. The session was 8×500 R3:30.  I set up the intervals on RowPro, with only 3:20 of rest and when each 3:20 of rest ended, I sat motionless for another 10 seconds to allow the flywheel to come to a rest before starting the next 500m interval.

Before and after the 8×500 there was a warm up and warm down of 1,250 meters.  The target pace for the first 7 intervals was 1:55.6, which had been the overall average pace for the previous instance of the 8×500 in the first cycle. DF was 125.

I put the Apple watch into workout mode/rowing before starting the warm up, intervals and warm down and then ended its recording of the workout after the warm down.

The Apple watch doesn’t provide any data that is of interest to rowers but at least it does give me “credit” for meeting the daily exercise portion of what is set as a daily activity goal.

The 634 total calories credited by the Apple watch is in the ballpark for 643 total calories measured on the rowing machine if calories are totaled for warmup, main rowing session and warmdown.

Here are the finish screens, reports and charts for the warm up, 8×50 R3:30 and warm down:

warm up finish screen
warm up session report
warm up chart
Notice the charting problem circled in green for pace and heart rate on the RowPro 5 for the Mac finish screen. That was during the 6th split, and the graphs appeared to move back in time when starting to graph data for the 6th split. It is a software bug in the Beta version of RowPro 5 for the Mac. The session report is okay, though.
8×500 R3:30 session report. Note that the active rest times were 3:20 in RowPro. I added another 10 seconds passive rest to each of them, to allow 10 seconds of inactivity on my part so that the C2 flywheel could stop spinning before I began each 500m sprint.
8×500 R3:30 chart
warm down finish screen
warm down report
warm down chart

Happy trails to you.